Aboyne Canoe Club SCIO
Aboyne Canoe Club SCIO  

Chairman's Report 2016

Aboyne Canoe Club Chairman 2016.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [100.4 KB]

Over the last year the committee has met as many times as needed to plan and organise everything that goes on in the club.

We received a £1000 grant from Marr Area Partnership for the shed plans.

Continue to be a clubCAP accreditation.  This recognises the club as a club that has all the paperwork, does things right and most importantly gets a 25% discount on pool sessions!  We also continue to be an SCA focus club with the support of the Regional Development Manager – Roger Holmes.

Two hour pool sessions for some of the year – and billed wrongly by Aberdeenshire Council as per usual.

Membership remains healthy however the increase in memberships last year due to a large group of Banchory Duke Of Edinburgh Group joining the club will mostly disappear once membership renewal begins in April.

The prospect of our own storage facility WILL BE a reality and the most exciting prospect on the horizon for the club.  With the land being leased, plans approved by the Marr Area Committee and funds raised from the ceilidh we now have the money to get building warrants and structural designs in place. Let the funding applications commence.

I hope that this time next year we’ll have the shed completed or mostly on its way to completion.

Trips and club events
Trips, pool sessions and events have been well attended.  Most have been on the Dee, with some adventures on the Findhorn.  Highlights for me have been the paddling on the Jumbo Dee, helping with the River Ree clean ups, Upper Tummel – A first club trip to this river, Canoe Coaching with DofE kids.

We also attended three polo tournaments - still not broken into the top 4! Inverness

Front cover of the SCA magazine!

Presented at the Mince Pie Trip this year were:
The Fish of the Year – Ken Murray
Youth Paddler – Amelia Cardy
‘Thanks for all the bothering Award’ – Christina Cardy

Trevor and Amelia achieved their level 1 Coaching qualification back in November helping to fill the gap in coaches.
Myself and JK completed an event safety course – we are now an even safer club!
4 Star Training – Tom and Josh

Thanks to Christina for taking the minutes and Katie for taking on membership – stepping in when the Turleys left for Norway.
To Lorraine for battling with the bank account and accounts. 
To Josh for representing the youth members.
Dale for being the Child Protection person/PVG checker. 
To Maria for attending meetings and helping out.
To Tom – equipment checking/fixing
To JK for his advice and support as Rear Admiral.

Coaches(13):  Trevor, Amelia, Donald (although we haven’t seen him much), Dale, JK, Stuart(before not rejoining), Jonny (before leaving), Josh, Tom, Molly, Kirsty Bruce(a couple of times) and Alan Wallet for all the “being in charge” and myself.

Amelia/Christina:  Pool bookings/Money taking

Shed Owners: To Karen, Katie and Pippa, for the boat shed (not for much longer)

Alan:  For all his excellent photos.

Members: And finally thanks go to all those members that came paddling – because that’s what we are all about! 

Hope to see as many of you on the water in the coming year,



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Due to the nature of our club (many families with young children) we have decided to make our Facebook page for members only.  You can only request access to 'Aboyne Canoe Club SCIO (Members)' when we have your membership form and fee.

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