Over the last year the committee has met as many times as needed to plan and organise everything that goes on in the club.
We received a grants from Marr Area Committee, Rotary, Ballater Victoria Week and Etape Royale for the shed plans. Tree
work was carried out on the site and the wood sold with the proceeds going to the project.
We have benefitted from the support of the Regional Development Manager – Roger Holmes and we will also continue to be an SCA focus club for 2017.
Two hour pool sessions for all of the year has been great. At times skills sessions could have been filled twice over and for polo sessions you now have to book, with myself resigned to coaching/reefing from the sidelines.
Cairngorms Leader grant – Thank you Graham Keates for getting this done.
SCOTmid/MAP – Stand Up paddle boards – Thank you Cardys
Canoe trailer donated – Thank you Miles
Membership remains healthy however the increase in memberships last year due to a large group of Banchory Duke Of Edinburgh Group joining the club could mostly disappear once membership renewal begins in April. Despite this we achieved our target of 164 members set by the SCA last year…..next year’s target of 192 will be even more of a challenge.
The prospect of our own storage facility WILL BE a reality and the most exciting prospect on the horizon for the club. It is frustrating that we have not achieved our funding target YET but not for lack of trying – 3 rejections and 1 application on hold. Part of this will be the move to become a charity enabling us to have access to more pots of money and gift aid membership.
I said this in the 2016 AGM but I’ll say it again…..I hope that this time next year we’ll
have the shed completed or mostly on its way to completion.
Trips and club events
Trips, pool sessions and events have b0een well attended. Most have been on the Dee, with some adventures on the Findhorn. Highlights for me have been the The very well attended mince pie
trip and social afterwards, herding ducks twice, North Esk carnage and video evidence, pool session clock smashing
We also attended three polo tournaments. We came 4th at the Highland Quaich (out of 4!), 6th in the November Banff tourney and with two teams in the most recent tournament, with mixed results Dee Stroyers 8th and Dee Fenders 2nd!
We ran our own first aid course with nine members attending and six Whitewater Safety and Rescue. Three at FSRT and three at Paddleability
Pyrennes Paddling - Graham, Trevor and Amelia all enjoyed the delights of warm weather paddling in Spain in September.
We ran some of the safety and marshalling at The Beast Race at Knockburn Loch
Presented at the Mince Pie Trip this year were:
The Fish of the Year – Neil Gibson
Youth Paddler – Jessica Cardy
‘Thanks for all the bothering Award’ – Mark Mitchell
Coaching and Leading
Mark achieved his level 1 Coaching qualification.
4 Star Assessment – Graham passed and has been leading mid week trips.
Level 2 training – Amelia has completed this and is coaching with her guinea pigs.
Club activity assistant – Neil Gibson is in training for this.
Thanks to Christina for taking the minutes and Katie for dealing with membership (looking for someone to take this on next year.)
To Lorraine for getting the accounts in order and keeping everything right!
To Amelia for representing the youth members.
Dale for being the Child Protection person/PVG checker.
To Maria for attending meetings and helping out.
To Tom/Mark – equipment checking/fixing
To JK for his advice and support as Rear Admiral.
Coaches and Leaders: Trevor, Amelia, Dale, JK, Tom, Graham, Mark (now Level 1), Harry (New to the club – Level 1) for all the “being in charge” and myself. Additionally Matt Keyes
for coaching the coaches when he’s about.
Amelia/Christina: Pool bookings/Money taking
Shed Owners: To Karen, Katie and Pippa, for the boat shed (not for much longer hopefully)
Alan: For all his excellent photos.
Members: And finally thanks go to all those members that came paddling – because that’s what we are all about!
Hope to see as many of you on the water in the coming year,Chris