Aboyne Canoe Club SCIO
Aboyne Canoe Club SCIO  

How to Join:

PDF Memebrship Form 2024/5
Membership 2024-2025.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [575.3 KB]
Word Memebrship 2024/5
Membership 2024-2025.docx
Microsoft Word document [286.2 KB]


Before joining the club please browse our website and read our 'About ACC' section and other areas to make sure that you feel that Aboyne Canoe Club is suitable for your needs. We recommend that you come and visit Aboyne Canoe Club and give one indoor or outdoor session a try before purchasing membership. You can find out more about our sessions on our trips and events programme page



Joining Aboyne Canoe Club allows you access to club kit, coaching, river trips, events and an extensive range of waterborne craft all for a very reasonable annual fee.



Membership Fee (year from September - August):

  • Adult £25 (A)                                                   
  • Accompanied Junior  £35 (A+J)                      
  • Family £50 (F)                   
  • Social (Non-Paddling Members) £0 (S)

Adult - Individual aged 18 years or older.


Accompanied Junior - Individuals under the age of 18 are eligible for membership with their parent (or legal guardian) even if they do not intend to paddle.


Family - All members of the same family can be included in family mmebership even if they do not intend to paddle. Family membership consists of up to 2 adults (aged 18 and over) plus children under the age of 18, provided at least one of the adults is the parent or legal guardian of all the under 18 on the family membership.Please mark anyone in the family who doesn’t intend to paddle as a non paddling (NPM).  However if they decide they wish to give it a try they are covered for membership and subsequently insured. 


No individuals under the age of 18 can join the club without their parent(s) or legal guardian.  Under 16’s must be accompanied by an adult at all times during events.  This can be on the bank, on poolside or in a boat aswell.  At the coaches discretion 16 and 17 year olds can attend events without an accompanying adult.


Fees for the swimming pool are paid at the session and are currently £7 per hour.



PDF Partental Consent
ACC Parental Responsibility Consent Form[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [232.2 KB]
Word Parental Consent
ACC Parental Responsibility Consent Form[...]
Microsoft Word document [150.2 KB]



For Further details on the club please visit:



All members will be joined to the Paddle Scotland (previously known as SCA) as an affiliate club member for insurance purposes.


Hope to see you on the water soon.


Paul Smart



Find us on Facebook.


Due to the nature of our club (many families with young children) we have decided to make our Facebook page for members only.  You can only request access to 'Aboyne Canoe Club SCIO (Members)' when we have your membership form and fee.

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