Drift down slow moving sections, blast down short drops.
Learn to move effortlessly from one side of the current to the other.
As your skills grow, move on to faster whitewater rivers!
Aboyne Canoe club are fortunate to be based directly next to the River Dee (Grampian) which provides an excellent training facility for rapidly improving your whitewater skills. Regular Thursday night sessions under Aboyne Bridge provide still water, a short rapid and a good flow to practise key skills like eddying out, s turns and ferry glides in a highly sympathetic environment. Once key skills have been learned then there is the potential to test yourself on other sections of the Dee or further afield.
Rivers visited in recent years include The Dee, Don, Dye, North Esk, Gairn, Etive, Garry, Tummel, Leny, Moriston and Findhorn. We even kayaked on Lochnagar....
See the club programme for details of our next trips.
With a number of Whitewater Leaders and Paddlesport Instructors available and various types of kayak craft and cockpit sizes Aboyne Canoe Club caters to a broad range of abilities and body types.
So whether you would like to amble down the river at the same pace as a giant inflatable duck at Ballater Duck Race or push yourself down some grade 4 waterfalls come along and give kayaking a go!
Email: aboynecanoeclub@gmail.com