Aboyne Canoe Club - Child Protection Guidelines for Volunteers
Within member clubs of The Scottish Canoe Association the Club Child Protection Coordinator will:
- Be supported by The Scottish Canoe Association and be appropriately trained.
- Implement and promote The Scottish Canoe Association Child Protection Policy and Procedures.
- Regularly report to the Committee.
- Act as the main contact within the Club for the protection of children.
- Encourage good practice and support of procedures to protect children.
- Keep abreast of developments and understand the latest information on data protection, confidentiality and other legal issues that impact on the protection of children.
- Communicate with The Scottish Canoe Association Child Protection Officer.
- Maintain confidential records of reported cases, action taken, liaise with the statutory agencies and ensure they have access to all necessary information.
- Report cases, concerns and action taken to The Scottish Canoe Association Child Protection Officer.
- Attend training on the protection of children and organise appropriate training for other members.
- Establish and maintain contact with local statutory agencies including the police and social work services.
- Monitor and review the Child Protection Policy and procedures for their club.
- Ensure there are mechanisms in place for quality assurance.
1. All volunteers working with children will have Disclosure Scotland certification.
2. All volunteers will have read, understood and will work within the procedures set out in the Aboyne Canoe Club Child Protection Policy
3. All volunteers will work within the SCA code of conduct and guidelines for volunteers found under 'Safeguarding and Child Protection' at www.canoescotland..com
4. All volunteers will have read, understood and will work within the procedures set out by the SCA in the section titled ’Responding to Concerns’ at www.canoescotland.com - child protection, in the event of
disclosure by a child/young person.
5. All volunteers should attend Child Protection training provided by the SCA child protection officer.
Revised March 2021