1. The club shall be a member of the Aberdeenshire Sports Association and affiliated to the Scottish Canoe Association
2. There will be 3 types of membership, Adult, Accompanied Junior and Family. Juniors under 18 when membership fees are called.
3. The club has the right to refuse membership or dismiss members.
4. All juniors on club trips shall be accompanied / assigned to a responsible adult. This adult will primarily be responsible for the Duty of Care of the under 18's they are accompanying. This duty of care will be shared with the event leader and the event coach. Young people 16-18 year old may take part on river trips without being specifically assigned to an adult. In this instance the parents of the young person must have met club officials and be familiar with club practice.
5. Prospective club members who wish to find out more about the club and its activities before joining may attend up to 2 events as guests. They will be expected to pay a fee and sign a declaration of understanding for those events.
6. There will be a pool of club equipment. This will include Canoes, Kayaks, paddles, associated accessories and safety equipment. There shall be a club inventory of equipment. It will be maintained and used in line with manufacturers recommendations and recognised best safe practice. There will be a designated keeper of equipment.
7. The safe transportation of canoes and kayaks to and from club events on roof racks or trailers will be the drivers' responsibility. In all instances of lifting and carrying boats (on or off the water) due regard will be given to manual handling recommendations.
8. All members will be expected to use equipment that is sound and fit for purpose. All event participants will wear buoyancy aids at all times. All other personal protective equipment will be used within best practice guidelines or as directed by the coach on the day.
9. The club will abide by best practice in terms of child protection as directed by the SCA. There will be a designated club member responsible for Child Protection. Should there be any concerns about child protection issues the committee will discuss at a committee meeting and if appropriate take advice from SCA regarding disciplinary procedures.
10. Ratios of qualified leaders to non qualified members will be determined by guidelines from the SCA. Every club event will have a designated leader. This person will have an organising and co-ordinating role. The Leader may on occasion also be the coach on the water. This person shall have the experience, skills and expertise to judge and manage the safety of the event participants. Each event will be preceded by a safety brief.
11. All club members will sign in (or be signed in) before starting a club event. The adult accompanying up to 3 junior members under the age of 16 will sign on their behalf. It is expected that the parents of juniors being signed in by another adult will accompany their child on the first event to meet the coaches. Juniors from 16 -18 (young people) will sign themselves on to the event and this will be countersigned by their accompanying adult if present. This adult can accompany up to 5 young people. Any event involving juniors will have a minimum of two adults.
12. Adults will be expected to give emergency contact details and relevant medical information.
13. The club does not provide Insurance cover for personal accident, illness, loss or damage incurred by participants. The club's Third Party Liability Policy will meet claims from third parties arising from negligence of the club or its Coaches (this insurance is provided from club affiliation to the SCA). Members wishing to obtain their own cover for personal accident or third party liability are advised to contact an insurance company or broker.
14. The club will act in full knowledge of its duties in terms of responsible access as directed by the Scottish Outdoor Access Code (SOAC). It will actively seek to work with land owners, managers and others involved in recreation on the water.
15. Participating members will be expected to be able to swim or be water confident whilst wearing a
buoyancy aid.